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After the emerald is found within the vein, the complete rock is extracted, in this way a piece of the vein is obtained where the emerald is naturally embedded, which in itself offers a sample of the history and geological origin of the emerald, besides being an ideal and elegant object for the decoration of interior spaces.
Cutted Emeralds
Carving and polishing are operations that are carried out on gems to fully enhance their properties of transparency, color, shine, luster, dispersion, etc., highlighting their beauty. The art of shaping a gem is called stoning.
As early as ancient Egypt, techniques for engraving and cutting gems were used, which have been perfected over the centuries.
Rough Emeralds
Emeralds in the rough, stones that have not been cut and polished or treated, present a rugged image in many cases. Until the stone is cleaned and carved, it may not look like an emerald at all. Raw stones offer a spectacular beauty of their own, reminding the user of the geological forces that shaped them.

Summary Shapes
Why is the Colombian Emerald so desired?
In the same way that the best qualities of coffee were exported, leaving the pasilla for national consumption, lovers of precious stones, within the country, deprived themselves of enjoying the charms of the best emeralds; despite having the richest deposits just 120 km north of Bogotá in the department of Boyacá.
It is the main quality of gemstones. The Emerald is one of the “four great” stones that are considered “precious”; comparable only with sapphire (blue), ruby (red) and diamond (colorless). No other gem in the world has its impressive range of green hues, matched only by the countless greenery of the Amazon rainforest. As one of the most outstanding aesthetic objects, it arouses admiration in those who observe it and passion in the lucky ones who wear it.
It is a determining factor why gemstones are valuable. The tunnels where the emeralds are mined go deep and stretch for miles underground in search of the elusive veins that contain the emerald crystals. So strictly limited by nature are the emerald reserves in Colombia, that only about one hundred and fifty million dollars a year of all qualities are exported; insufficient to satisfy planetary demand.
Why “Los Muzos”
With the aim of paying tribute to the ancient natives people who defended the emerald mines of Muzo for many years and gave their own lives, the name of our company is “The Muzos”, because we share the vision of the great treasure that Colombian emeralds mean in our hearts .
Los Muzos a warrior people fought for 20 years against the military superiority of the Spaniards and did not reveal the location of the mines so that would mean their extermination. The deposits were found by the Spaniards by chance who tried to establish the first mining works in 1558 without success due to the constant attacks of the natives.
From Colombia welcome to The Muzos emeralds